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Putting in the long hours
For a long time, we’ve dreamed of a business connected with our passion for motorhoming and camping generally. Having decided to take the plunge into a new online camping stuff shop, we’re now putting in the long hours getting things ready for launch in July next. Curiously, it doesn’t feel much like hard work. We’re actually buzzing with excitement to the point where we can hardly sleep and every hour we put in is fun. Is it supposed to be like that?
The devil is in the detail
As we edge ever closer to launch day, the devil really is in the detail. We’re buy dotting every i and crossing every t and hoping for a beautiful launch (as a certain US President might put it). It’s coming together really nicely and a further delivery is expected from our suppliers before launch day. We’re beginning to feel a little bit pleased with that devil!
Nearly there
After a few weeks of discussions, product procurement, site design and logistical setup, we’re nearly there. It seemed like a simple idea originally, but there’s quite a bit to it. At this point, we’re really looking forward to the shop going live, hopefully in the next couple of days. Can’t wait ….
Wood Bikes.